How To Install Phpmailer On Xampp For Linux

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This tutorial explains howto send messages via SMTP using the PHPMailer class and your GMail account. PHP tutorial code is includedGmail SMTP Plugin for Word. Press Word. Press How. To. Gmail SMTP is an advanced SMTP mailing plugin for Word. Press for sending an email via Gmail SMTP server. Unlike most SMTP plugins It uses the OAuth 2. Gmail API instead of password authentication. Gmail SMTP Benefits. Gmail SMTP plugin does not store your password. It uses the OAuth 2. SMTP authentication. It means a more secure login system for users. Gmail SMTP plugin uses PHPMailer a very popular PHP library used in the core Word. Press for sending an email. This is to make sure that users can still get full benefits of the default email functionality. Gmail SMTP plugin takes a big headache away from you because you no longer need to Allow Less Secure Apps on your Gmail account. This is an option that users had to enable in order to fix SMTP connection issue. This issue went viral from December 2. Google started imposing OAuth 2. This option affects SMTP mailing because applications that perform password authentication to IMAP, POP, or SMTP are considered Less Secure Apps. As far as I know, this issue still affects almost all the SMTP plugins out there. How OAuth 2. 0 Authorization Works. You register a web application in the Google Developers Console. When this application is launched it requests that you give it access to data in your Google account. If you consent, the application receives credentials to access the API. Requirements. A self hosted Word. Press site running on a reliable web host like Site. Ground. PHP 5. 6 or later. A Gmail Account. Port 5. TLS encryption. If thats not possible port 4. SSL encryption. Your Web host needs to allow communication with an external SMTP server. Gmail SMTP Info. Installation. You can install the Gmail SMTP plugin in one of the following ways Option 1 Quick Easy installGo to Plugins Add New from your Word. Press admin dashboard. How To Install Phpmailer On Xampp For Linux' title='How To Install Phpmailer On Xampp For Linux' />Search for Gmail SMTPClick Install once you have found it. Option 2 Manual installDownload the zip version of the plugin. Go to Plugins Add New. Click Upload Plugin. Select the zip file on your computer. Install it. Gmail SMTP Configuration. In order to get started with the plugin go to Settings Gmail SMTP from your admin dashboard. Go to console. developers. Login to your Google account which will be used to send an email. Create a new project where your application will be registered. It doesnt have to be Gmail SMTP Project 1. You can name it whatever you like. I chose a meaningful name because I have multiple projects in it. Once the project is created Click on the ENABLE API button. If you have multiple projects make sure that the right project is selected in the drop down menu. Select Gmail API under G Suite APIs. This will show you more information as to what you can do by enabling Gmail API. Click Enable. 7. Now that you have enabled this API you need to create credentials to use it. So go to the Credentials tab. You will need to install a local mailserver in order to do this. If you want to send it to external email addresses, it might end up in unwanted emails or it may. Looking for a custom PHP mail form We have one that you can just copy and paste from within this article. Select OAuth Client ID when you are creating these credentials. In order to create an OAuth client ID, you need to set a product name first. So click Configure consent screen. Enter a product name e. Gmail SMTP and a privacy policy page URL for the OAuth consent screen and click Save. Now that the OAuth consent screen has been configured you can create an OAuth Client ID. Set the application type to Web application and enter a name for it e. Gmail SMTP App. 1. Copy the Authorized Redirect URL from the settings and paste it into the field here. Click Create. This will generate a Client ID and Client Secret for you. Copy and paste them into the settings area of the plugin. Configure the rest of the settings. It includes,OAuth Email Address The email address that you will use for SMTP authentication. This should be the same email used in the Google Developers Console. From Email Address The email address which will be used as the From Address when sending an email. From Name The name which will be used as the From Name when sending an email. Type of Encryption The encryption which will be used when sending an email either TLSSSL. By default, it should be set to TLS since SSL has been deprecated since 1. SMTP Port The port which will be used when sending an email. If you choose TLS it should be set to 5. For SSL use port 4. Click Save Changes. Now that you have configured the settings a Grant Permission button will appear. Clicking on it will take you to a consent screen where you will be able to grant this app access to the Gmail API. When you click Allow you will get redirected back to the plugin settings. You should see a message like Access Granted Successfully. The SMTP Status should also get set from Not Connected to Connected. Thats it. Gmail SMTP plugin will now be able to take control of all outgoing email from your website. Test Email. In order to test the email functionality, you can send a test email from the Test Email tab. Debug option is enabled by default for the test email functionality which means you would be able to see if the plugin was able to send the email without any error. Troubleshooting. By default, your SMTP port should be configured on 5. TLS encryption. If you cant get it to work then you can try changing it to 4. SSL encryption. If you still cant get either to work try port 2. TLS first and then SSL. Please note that most servers dont support encryption on port 2. If you are connecting to the Gmail SMTP server for the first, you might get an error smtp connect failed or Could not authenticate. This error usually occurs when Gmail blocks an SMTP connection made from an external server. This is not a configuration issue. Gmail does it time to time for security reasons. In order to fix this issue login to your Gmail account first. You should see a security warning from Gmail upon login Your account has been hacked or Somebody stole your password. As soon as you confirm that it was you who tried to log in Just click on the link that shows up in that message, the plugin should be able to connect to the Gmail SMTP server. Error Invalid Scope. Google recently enhanced their risk assessment for new web applications that request user data. Based on this risk assessment, some web applications will require a manual review before users can approve data permissions. Scanned Jpg To Word Converter. Until the review is complete, unverified apps will display an invalidscope or some other random error messages when you go to the permissions consent page. If you are getting this type of error when setting up the plugin you can join this Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps. This will automatically approve data access to the app from your account and you wont have to go through their manual review process which includes filling out a developer verification form. This automatic approval process is permissible by Google for testingpersonal usesending email through Word. Press Pluginssimilar single account SMTP usage See this page for more details. Error This app isnt verified. If you see this error when trying to authorize your app to read, send, delete, and manage your email, you can manually get around the error screen. See OAuth Client Verification for details. Error refreshing the OAuth. This is an intermittent issue that seems to occur on some servers. When you get this error, it means that the plugin is not being able to refresh the OAuth. It is required by the App that you created in your account to access the Gmail API.